Wednesday 17 November 2010

Here's what we've each lost so far, in lard form!

Yes, John's had a small gain this week, but we've still lost ten pounds each, and here's what that looks like. It was bloody heavy as well. I might well find that like John, I've had a small gain too (too chicken to get on the scales till Saturday morning), but at least we can now be very grateful that the above is still in the supermarket and no longer on our backsides. Yay us!


  1. We should build a wall with lard to correspond to the weight we've lost - we could one day be the thinnest winners of the Turner Prize!

  2. BRAVO! That visual demo is a real boost, isn't it? I used to carry around a twenty five pound box of laundry soap to remind me of how it feels to lug it about. That's the amount I had to lose and it was an eye-opener.
    The LardWall sounds like a fantastic installation, John.

  3. Doc - I would love to hear more about your weight loss experiences! I see you're not on FB any more, feel free to email us :-)

  4. Yep, I decided that I really did not want to be on what may prove to be a treasure-trove for advertisers and big corporations. All those names and addresses out there for the pickings...
    Of course it may be like trying to shove the bubbles back into the Coke after the can has been opened.
    Anyway, I am off FB as much as I can be. I'd be happy to email you guys with my tales of woe.

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