Wednesday 20 October 2010

I fought Gregg's... and I won!

There's something to be said for accountability... on the way to work I pass not one but three branches of Gregg's... I was cold and hungry but the thought that someone somewhere might actually read this helped me step away from the sausage, bean & cheese melt... and I know that at least one person has read this other than me now so there's a bit less tumbleweed round here too :-)

Having said all that, I have checked my weight and my backsliding has caused me to put on three pounds. But still, yesterday and today are heading back in the right direction.
Calories: 1747, Carbs: 186, Fat: 58, Protein: 65, Sugar: 38, Fiber: 24

Not brilliant but definitely on the right track:-)


  1. That would be me! I'm famous :) I'm reading now too, keep it up Deirdre,.

    Leah xx

  2. I like the fact that my photo is on your page...

  3. ooops! Should have asked you, sorry!

  4. And I've got it as my FB profile pick now. Double ooops!
