Tuesday 19 October 2010

Backsliding and yo-yoing (by D).

Most blogs don't last three months... in my experience, nor do most diets :-/

OK, lets get back in the saddle and take stock. I stopped blogging, and made a couple of stabs at calorie counting, but so far haven't sustained it. My highest weight actually increased at one point to 15 stone. The moment was captured for posterity on this online diabetes risk assessement tool for Diabetes UK - you should take it! You should be able to spot me - the "short, round" one. I've lost about half a stone since then but I'm still heavier than my last post eighteen months ago.

So, yo-yo dieting - does it exist? Have I slowed my metabolism down by years of dieting? How did this happen? How did I suddenly turn from an average, size 12 pear into a morbidly obese apple? The bulk of my excess weight went on suddenly, in the space of a year, ten years ago. The last stone of it, in dribs and drabs. I scare myself sometimes wondering if there's another reason for it other than overeating, underexercising and getting older, but for now, I'm telling myself that there's no point looking into any other cause till I can stick to the calorie counting for long enough to tell me if that's the problem.

So, yo-yo dieting. Not being able to stick with calorie counting for more than a week. Don't have answers for either of those problems. But I'm going to try, yet again. Wish me luck. I want to stay accountable so I've made my food diary on myfitnesspal.com public, and I will try and post it here daily - here's what I had today.


  1. Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do in life. After all, if you are an alcoholic you can NEVER take a drink, right? Not so easy if you need food to live. The thing that worked the best for me (well, two things if I am really honest), is to view changes as a life change, not just a temporary change. (The other was to have a liver transplant that DID change my life, but I don't recommend that for just anyone.) You will eventually look forward to sweating because it feels like eating chocolate. Same brain chemistry. It just takes a while for the switch to work.
    Hang in there, kiddo. You are already beautiful and brilliant, you are doing this because WE want to have you around longer.

  2. Hey Doc! Thanks so much for your kind words! And you're right - it's making a permanent change that is the charm. Any time I successfully lost weight, it was almost by accident - as soon as I noticed what was happening and started calling it a 'diet' that put the jinx on it...
